OCMP Smart Screen

OCMP Smart Screen gives you everything you need to digitally place your message on any display. Timed, automated and intelligent.

You can create layouts that include the following widget image, a simple slideshow, a clock, a website, and three other social widgets like YouTube, TikTok, and advanced social playlists.

OCMP Subscription

für Digital Screen Marketing

Media Player

der mit einem WiFi-Netzwerk verbunden ist und in dem erstellte Inhalte bereitgestellt werden.

Bildschirm / Screen

der über ein HDMO-Kabel mit dem Media-Player verbunden ist, um den Inhalte auf einem oder mehrern Bildschirmen anzuzeigen.

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You can display your digital screen campaigns on screens, beamers, digital signage steles and all other display devices with HDMI connection. Campaigns can be displayed differently or the same on all screens. Control is 100% through OCMPand no additional software is required. Already have screens installed at your sites? Perfect! Just use our software and media players and start interacting with your customers.

Place your message digitally on any display. Timed, automated and intelligent. You can create layouts that include the following widget:


Digital Screen Marketing

Advertising messages are the typical use case for digital screen campaigns. However, modern use cases such as the display of targeted social media content and recruiting campaigns are also possible quickly and easily.

Controlling WiFi, Screen & App campaigns from within the omni-channel management platform simplifies the delivery of up-to-date content.

Talk to our experts to work out the full potential and view existing success stories.

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